Zürich Innovation Center for GIVAUDAN

On the southern part of the historically important former Maggi site in Kemptthal, the Zurich Innovation Center ZIC is being built for the research and product development of the flavor and fragrance manufacturer Givaudan. In the building, offices and laboratories are arranged around the atrium, a light-flooded connecting space. The atrium is the heart of the project, it connects all four floors and contains cafeteria, library and various retreats.

Design, fabrication & installation of 3 skylights.

Structure of the skylights

  • Skylight supporting structure in steel with specially welded sheet metal frames
  • Glass covering and sheet metal facade covering
  • Shading systems and internal sheet metal cladding

8310 Kemptthal


Givaudan Schweiz AG


Bauart Architekten und Planer AG

skylights 3 pieces

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SBB Zürich – renovation south wing

  • Skylight
  • Door
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B City, Basel

  • Window
  • Door
  • Mullion-Transom Facade