New building Generationenhaus Neubad

The building complex at Holeestrasse 119 and 121 in Basel was one of the first of its kind to be designed as an intergenerational home. A day care center moved into the nursing home ten years ago and has been connecting young and old ever since. Now the Neubad generation house is being replaced.
The new building complex will house a day care center, a nursing home and apartments for assisted living.
In the first stage, a new seven-storey building is being constructed, in which the entire Generationenhaus with its 86 residents and 72 daycare places will move.
Once construction is complete, the old Generationenhaus will be demolished. It will be replaced by a new four-storey building with space for the Katharina-Werk and eleven apartments for assisted living for the elderly.
An important design element is an orangery, which connects the various parts on the first floor. The orangery also leads to the “village square”, a meeting place for all generations and for various activities.

Rytz AG is realizing windows, doors and rear-ventilated metal façade elements, as well as an orangery as a PR façade. The contract includes planning, production and installation.


Holeestrasse 119 und 121 | 5054 Basel


Oekumenischer Verein Generationenhaus Neubad | Holeestrasse 119 | 4054 Basel


Ackermann Architekt BSA SIA AG | Zwingerstrasse 25 | 4053 Basel

Ventilated facade elements
Aluminum windows and doors
Glazed orangery in mullion / transom construction

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