TWSJ Tram station St. Jakob in Basel

On behalf of Basler Verkehsbetriebe (BVB), the St. Jakob stop in Basel is being converted in accordance with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. The existing facility will be demolished and replaced by a visually appealing bus shelter. The first floor consists of two structures, an uninsulated circular room to house the technical equipment and a second oval insulated room, which will be used as a lounge for BVB employees. In addition, access to the roof in this part is via two pull-out staircases. Most of the work will be carried out outside of streetcar operating hours and during a streetcar closure.

The scope of services includes the planning, production, delivery and installation of the steel support structure, the rear-ventilated façade made of corrugated sinusoidal sheet metal, partly curved, windows, doors and a bench


St. Jakobs-Strasse 388, 4052 Basel


Basler Verkehrs-Betriebe, Infrastruktur, Münchensteinerstrasse 87, 4052 Basel


Architektengemeinschaft Degelo / Berrel Berrel Kreutler, St. Jakobsstrasse 54, 4052 Basel

Hot-dip galvanized steel construction 35 t
ventilated facade
Building structure LxBxH = 45m x 6.5m x 7.0m

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